3 Replies to “Velvet Smooth”

  1. VELVET SMOOTH IS A STUPID, UNSEXY WASTE OF TIME VELVET SMOOTH is a blacksploitation film that completely misses the exploitation part. Johnnie Hill plays the title character, a female private eye who runs an all-female agency, with two female operatives, one African-American and the other Hispanic, both of them much better-looking than the title character, a tall, thin woman with all the sex appeal of a bean pole. This 1976 vehicle cries out for a Pam Grier or a Tamara Dobson in the lead role: someone who can believably turn heads when she…

  2. Velvet Smooth – Before “Charlie Angels” The Black Version … and I fell off of a cliff.So you know how when you are doing too many things at once and you end up failing at everything?Well, *Velvet Smooth* is like that. Here you have a Blaxploitation film, a Feminist Liberation portrayal, a crime suspense film, and a low-key Kung Fu movie (worst fight scene in human history, by the way). And none of it is very good. Not that it is very bad – but it is nowhere as good as the typical Blaxploitation film on Prime…

  3. I wasted my money on this one! I laughed from the begining and I am trying to keep watching until the end. I give this movie a 3 stars because of the fighting. The acting is terrible. The three chicks reminds me of “Charlie Angels” The Black version this one was ahead of it time! Could have been a good movie if the actors were better. Story line ok. Usually, when the head of an organization King he found out his main man Calvin was behind the killings. He let him go! Oh no! He should have…

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